Moodyville Park

 ¿Qué ver en Moodyville park, North vancouver?

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Moodyville Park is a small neighborhood park located in the city of North Vancouver, Canada. The park features a playground, picnic tables, and a small grassy area for recreational activities. There is no admission fee to enter the park, and it is open daily from dawn to dusk.

Nearby attractions include the Lonsdale Quay Market, which features local vendors selling fresh produce, crafts, and souvenirs. The market is open daily from 9am to 7pm. Another nearby attraction is the Capilano Suspension Bridge, a popular tourist destination that features a 450-foot long suspension bridge over a canyon, as well as treetop adventures and a cliffwalk. The Capilano Suspension Bridge is open daily from 9am to 7pm.

For more information on Moodyville Park, visit the official City of North Vancouver website at

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Moodyville park)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Moodyville park)